Scheme of Delegation
The scheme of delegation is intended to be a working document that will be revised (at least annually) and adapted in response to the context and circumstances of the AAT. The scheme of delegation shows level of accountability but at any level the group or individuals may delegate certain responsibilities to individuals or committees (whilst retaining overall responsibility). Members The members of the Trust are guardians of the governance of the Trust. They will approve any amendments made to the articles of association. The members appoint Trustees to ensure that the Trust’s charitable object is carried out and are also able to remove trustees if they fail to fulfil this responsibility. They can direct Trustees to take a specific action. Trustees The Trustees set the overall vision, strategy and direction of the Trust and are responsible for the general control and management of the Trust. In accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and articles of association and its funding agreement, the Board of Trustees is legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all schools within the Trust, and must approve a written schedule of delegation of financial powers that maintains robust internal control arrangements. It is the employer of every member of AAT staff. LGB Local governing boards are responsible for all aspects of the governance of their school unless indicated otherwise in this schedule. CEO, CFOO, DoE and Headteachers The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Finance Operations Officer (CFOO), Director of Education (DoE) and Headteachers form an executive lead group coordinating the operational activity of the MAT.Purpose of scheme
Key Roles